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BBQ - June 21 rain or shine - from 1 until 4 p.m.
In Public

 All members in good standing should now have received a copy of our June Newsletter.  If you did not receive your copy, please let us know and we will check into it. Not a member now? You can still renew and participate in this event.

Our next event will be a BBQ for members only - July 21 at the home of Lis Petersen-Banfield.   This is a FREE event - no need to bring cash!  We WILL need to know your preferences for what we are going to BBQ.  If you wish to attend, please let us know  your preferences before Thursday the 19th.    The BBQ will be held regardless of the weather and the number of people who which to attend. Contact if you wish to attend.
by: Lis Banfield topic: Public Posted: 9-Jul-18 Mon